Never too old to play the beautiful game

What are the benefits?

In addition to just playing the game, and having fun, it is widely acknowledged that walking football is good for you – physically, mentally and socially.

It offers a multitude of health benefits such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, while improving blood pressure.

It can lead to positive changes in postural balance, resting heart rate, lowered cholesterol, improved blood sugar levels, bone density, and improving reactions.

It can also aid recovery from certain operations and illnesses.

Mentally, returning to the game they once loved enables players to rediscover that sense of achievement and well-being that perhaps had been lost, whilst enjoying the camaraderie of playing a team sport again.  It can be a real morale-booster.
(Members are covered by the FA and WFA insurance schemes, and we have a portable defibrillator at all sessions).

Canterbury Mariners Walking Football Club is sponsored by
